Thursday, April 29, 2010


I believe that education is a right because everyone should have a chance to study whatever they want, but I think that the problem today it´s to know about what makes the distinction between a good education and a bad one?
I think that now in Chile one of the main problems with the education is, for example, the difference between state and private schools, because the possibilities that give this system of different studies produced inequality, because is not a system with more options is system with more difference.

I believe that my school was good; I think that it was a school worry about the people more than the results of the test like PSU or SIMCE. I think that a good education has to considered the integral development of the human being, this mean that the results must to care to know how much the children understood, but this shouldn´t be more important that the development of the personality of the child, I mean without left behind what is the center of the education.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Matrix

I love the movies and the cinema is one of the topics that I really enjoy. For me is really hard think about my favorite movie because I liked a lot of films depending of my age and specifically in some moments of my life but for this occasion I am going to talk about the movie that shocked me most: The Matrix.
The Matrix was written and directed by Larry and Andy Wachowski, the movie had its premiere in 1999, when I was nine years old. My brother in that time was enough older to go to see this movie in the cinema, but I had to wait until came out in video to see it. And when I saw the movie, it was great!!! because it´s like be in other dimension and it makes you think a lot things about the world.
I don´t know if this movie is better than others movies that I had seen before, but definitely is a movie that revolutionized the film industry not just for the technology used also for the amazing plot.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

New English website

This website is a great opportunity to learn English; the different activities allow you understand better because the traditional methods are a little boring. In the part of Grammar, Vocabulary & Pronunciation you can find interesting things related with vocabulary but also with actual news like the polish president or Neil Armstrong.

The part of the Quizzes is useful to evaluated the knowledge in a way very different to the normal way, for example the part “Beat the keeper” has the game Get That Job that is a really great game because help you to learn the fitting vocabulary for each occasion and also gives you advice for the process to find a job.

Also is a good thing that the page has the listening part to improve the pronunciation and understand better. In this part I review the use of the phrasal verbs that for me are complicated in the series 4: Mark's Email Mistake.

This is all that I could see in this time but is just a little part of all that this page can offer you.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Earthquake ´day

The February 27th, I was with my boyfriend on the “Festival de Viña del Mar”, we had just returned to the house of my boyfriend´s family when the earthquake started. At the first place we didn´t understand what was going on because the lights outside exploited and we couldn´t see anything, the next thing that happened was the police screaming to everybody that stayed away from the street, it was very confused. After the earthquake all the family gets together and we started to call to my family in Santiago.

Around 2 pm of the same day we had news about the situation in the country and it was very shocking listen the information and see the reaction of some people in the street that started to steal some supermarket near of the place that we were staying.
For lucky all my family is fine and my closer friends too, but after this there´s a lot of them that have a lot of fear and problems to sleeping.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

About Myself

Hi!! My name is María Olvido León C., I am nineteen years old. I am studing second year of psychology. I like studing this for many things. In first place I decided this for personal interest in the mind of the human being and in particular because I would like dedicate to the children issues.
In my free time I like to dance “Flamenco” and other Spanish dances, this is my hobby since I was six years old and a love it until now.