Thursday, May 27, 2010


I study psychology, so in relation with this area a believe that you need to have the capacity to understand things that are not given for common sense, this necessarily take you to develop the skill to observe in a particular way, that you learn it, I guess, in the university and most of them in the practice.

I think that are more skills, but I only chose this ones: understanding, be open mind, be good observing and maybe in the study of psychology you are going to need have a very critical view, because the field of psychology is very theoretical so is important a deeper review when you are in front of many different ideas.

I don´t sure if I could say that this skills are inborn or product of learning, I believe that everyone have some abilities to develop it easily in some task, but everyone have the potential to learn it in the same way, I believe that the practice is important in this area.

According with the university, I believe that helps a lot developing skills, be critical for example, but am not sure if could helps in the others skills. Well, right now am just in second year so I don´t know how and what kind are all the tools that at the end am going to learn from here.

Friday, May 21, 2010

My Cell Phone

The objects of technology are not something very important for me, I mean I have to use them, but I don´t have a lot of objects of that kind between my favorites things. But if I had to choose I guess that would be my cell phone, because I believe that is so useful to have the chance to communicate from anywhere and with everybody.

My cell phone gave it to me my brother, and that was like four years ago, in that time my phone was very new and modern, now the technology chances so fast that is very basic it just work for calls and texts messages, because I used it a lot and right now is a little old.

For me the use of the cell phone is very necessary because is the faster way to be communicate in any situation or for any kind of problems, and the texts messages are very nice too, because if you are busy you still could receive the information and read it when you can and do the same and send information without have to wait that people answer the cell phone.

I believe that today the use of the new smart phones is very cool, but I am not sure if a change my old cell phones for one of that, right now for me the calls and texts message are good enough.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

When I was 17 years old, I visited with my family a place really great, it was called “Rinconada de Huampoe near of Pucón, and according with the instructions gave it for the owner of the place it was short way between the both places.

When we arrived to that place, we found out that it was too far away from the instructions that we were received when we talked with the owner, so the trip didn`t start very well, but after 40 minutes of ride we arrived to the place and after that we couldn´t say more, because de view of the houses (where we have to stayed) it was amazing. We could saw a volcano of Argentina and all the place was covered with green, there were a lot of old trees, and in the night you just had lights in the house but outside it was to dark and that was very cool because you could see the sky full of stars.

I really liked this place because it was very nice for me: The place was amazing, the stories after the holidays were thousands, and the best part was that the signals of the phones were dead so it was just us and the nature.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I am going to talk about this page, because it was useful to me in many subjects.

The last year I had a subject about methodology used in research, and the teacher gave us this page to look for research about psychology and see the way to develop a similar work, but after this class this page was very useful to other subjects because gives you very good information.

The page is very simple, at least the part that I used more often, in the left you can find a menu where you could choose the option “Previous issues” and see all the volumes with different studies about themes related with psychology. Since 1989 until now there are 22 volumes with information, so is a very good page if you need research about psychological topics.

I don´t believe that this is a website that enjoy very much, but is really great when you need to see the information about a specific topics, it doesn´t have everything, maybe there are a lot of pages that are better than this one, but it works for me and was helpful in many topics that I had to do.